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When you are injured by the negligence of others, it can have a lifelong impact to your quality and enjoyment of life. Once injured, it is important to secure counsel quickly in order to begin the process of preserving evidence relevant to your injury and to your case. Further, this will permit an attorney to be the individual interacting with the other party’s insurance carrier. You need to get better. You need to get the treatment needed in order to get you healthy once again. Having an attorney fighting for you allows you to focus on getting the compensation you deserve while you focus on the most important thing – your health.

If you have been injured and are unsure as to whether you have a claim of action and may be entitled to compensation, contact DiCindio Law today to discuss your case. Typically, when injured the main things that you may be entitled to are compensation for medical bills, loss of enjoyment of life, and for income you missed from not being able to work.

It is most common to be dealing with insurance companies when attempting to get just compensation for your injuries. With what seems like unlimited resources to defend the claim against you, it is crucial that you have a lawyer who knows the law and is ready to stand up and fight for you to help ensure the compensation is just.

If you or a loved one has been injured contact Mike DiCindio today at 610.220.4691!

Motor Vehicle Accidents

I was in a Motor Vehicle Accident In Chester County, PA…

In a moment your life can change in indescribable ways. These “accidents” occur when others are negligent in their actions. These actions allow the victim of one’s negligence to recover monetary damages in these situations. Our aim is to immediately preserve the scene and any relevant evidence. Understanding that these cases can last for years. If a case goes to trial it is almost certain that much of the evidence will not be around any longer and the scene will almost certainly be different, as well. Your treatment is of utmost importance. You need to focus on getting well. While you are doing so, we will be preparing your case and negotiating with the opposing party’s insurance company and possibly their legal counsel. We will compile your injuries, treatment, ongoing limitations and damages and attempt to settle the matter for a sum that will compensate you for the injuries you have suffered. In the event that an acceptable settlement cannot be reached, we will evaluate and prepare to litigate the matter at an arbitration or trial. These cases move slowly. They often take months if not years. We will take care of protecting you and advising you legally while you worry about getting healthy. If you were involved in an Auto Accident in Pennsylvania, click here to learn about your options. 

Slip and Fall And Premises Liability

I had a slip or a fall on someone’s property in Chester County, PA…

There are many ways one could be injured on someone else’s property. Slip and falls, defective or dangerous conditions, disrepair of the property, drowning, malfunctioning equipment and many more situations fall under the umbrella of premises liability. Typically, the following things occur in situations where is a viable premises liability case. First, someone has been injured by a dangerous or defective condition. Next, the condition was present on commercial, residential or other property owned by another. Finally, the owner must have had a duty to keep the premises in a safe condition or to warn of the defective or dangerous condition. These matters require us to move fast in preserving evidence of the defective condition. Further, we need to determine who the owner of the property is in the event that it is not clear. Finally, we need to determine whether or not the condition was one that could lead to civil liability for the owner. While we prepare the matter for trial/arbitration, we will at the same time continue to communicate with the owner’s insurance company and counsel in order to attempt to reach a settlement. If that does not happen, we will continue to move forward with litigation. 

If you or a loved one has been injured contact Mike DiCindio today at 610.220.4691!

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