Top 10+ Legal Defenses Used by Criminal Defense Lawyers in Pennsylvania

As criminal defense lawyers based in Pennsylvania, DiCindio Law in West Chester, PA, utilizes a range of effective legal defenses to navigate the intricacies of the legal system. These defenses include challenging probable cause, scrutinizing witness credibility, and exploring the nuances of self-defense claims. Each defense acts as a crucial shield for Michael DiCindio’s  clients and plays a significant role in upholding the principles of justice and protecting against unwarranted accusations. However, the true effectiveness of these defenses lies in their skillful application during courtroom proceedings, where the battle for justice unfolds with every argument and counterargument presented.

Key Takeaways

  • Lack of probable cause challenges criminal charges in Pennsylvania.
  • Alibi defense presents evidence of the accused elsewhere during the crime.
  • Self-defense claims require demonstrating reasonable belief of imminent harm.
  • Entrapment defense hinges on proving coercion or manipulation by law enforcement.
  • Insanity defense necessitates substantial evidence of mental illness at the time of the crime.
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At DiCindio Law, asserting a defendant’s innocence is one of the most direct and impactful defenses we employ. This strategy involves presenting compelling evidence and witness testimony to conclusively demonstrate that our client did not commit the alleged crime. A key element of this defense is the use of an alibi, which provides proof that the defendant was at a different location when the crime occurred. As a criminal lawyer in Chester County, Michael D. DiCindio meticulously gathers various forms of evidence, such as surveillance footage, electronic records, or credible witness statements, to establish the defendant’s whereabouts during the time of the alleged offense.

For instance, if surveillance cameras capture footage of our client at a different location, this visual evidence can serve as a powerful tool in disproving their involvement in the crime. Additionally, corroborating witness testimonies further strengthens the defense by validating our client’s presence elsewhere. Our skilled criminal defense lawyer ensures that all evidence is thoroughly documented and effectively presented, aiming to cast significant doubt on the prosecution’s claims and secure a fair trial.

The success of asserting innocence relies on the strength and reliability of the evidence we present. By diligently addressing and disproving the allegations, DiCindio Law strives to protect our clients’ rights and achieve the best possible outcome in their cases.

Lack of Probable Cause

In Pennsylvania, criminal defense lawyers often use the defense of challenging the absence of probable cause for the arrest. Probable cause is a crucial part of our legal system, requiring law enforcement to have sufficient reason to believe that a crime has been committed before making an arrest. As experienced criminal defense lawyers, we work diligently to protect our clients’ rights, including scrutinizing the circumstances surrounding their arrest to determine if probable cause genuinely existed.

In Pennsylvania, as in many jurisdictions, the lack of probable cause can be a powerful defense strategy. If it can be successfully argued that the arresting officers did not have reasonable grounds to believe our client had committed a crime, any evidence obtained as a result of that arrest may be deemed inadmissible in court. This can significantly weaken the prosecution’s case and, in some instances, lead to a dismissal of the charges altogether.

DiCindio Law is well-versed in challenging arrests and stops based on insufficient probable cause. By meticulously reviewing police reports, witness statements, and other relevant evidence, we craft a strong defense aimed at securing the best possible outcome for our clients. When you need a skilled criminal defense attorney to fight for your rights, we are here to provide dedicated and effective representation.

Lack of Intent

In criminal law, many offenses require not just the commission of an act but a specific mental state or intent behind that act. For a crime to be established, the prosecution must often prove that the defendant had a particular intent or state of mind when committing the offense. This requirement is crucial in cases where the defendant’s intentions are central to determining guilt.

For instance, in complex crimes like fraud or embezzlement, proving intent becomes essential. Fraud involves deceiving someone for personal gain, and embezzlement requires that the defendant wrongfully appropriates funds entrusted to them. Both of these crimes necessitate proving that the defendant had the intention to deceive or steal. Without demonstrating this specific intent, the prosecution’s case may be significantly weakened.

DiCindio Law understands the importance of challenging the prosecution’s ability to establish intent. By arguing lack of intent, we can undermine the prosecution’s case, particularly in situations where the defendant’s actions can be explained by motives or circumstances not meeting the legal definition of criminal intent. Our adeptness in presenting these arguments effectively can lead to reduced charges or even dismissal of the case, safeguarding our clients’ rights and pursuing the best possible outcomes.

Alibi Defense

Asserting an alibi defense, we present evidence showing that the accused was elsewhere at the time the crime was committed. This defense hinges on proving that the individual charged with the offense could not have been present at the scene because they were in a different location. Alibi defenses often rely on testimonies from witnesses, such as family members, friends, or colleagues, who can confirm the defendant’s whereabouts during the alleged criminal activity.

To establish a strong alibi defense, criminal defense lawyers gather concrete evidence, such as surveillance footage, credit card receipts, or cell phone records, that can corroborate the defendant’s claim of being at a specific place when the crime occurred. It is essential to present this evidence effectively in court to cast reasonable doubt on the prosecution’s case.

In Pennsylvania, an alibi defense can be a powerful strategy in challenging the prosecution’s version of events. By demonstrating that the accused could not have committed the crime due to being elsewhere, we aim to create uncertainty about the defendant’s involvement in the alleged offense. Successfully proving an alibi can result in an acquittal or a reduction of charges, highlighting the importance of thorough investigation and strong presentation of evidence in criminal defense cases. DiCindio Law is dedicated to building a robust alibi defense and ensuring that every aspect of your case is meticulously examined to achieve the best possible outcome.

Self-Defense and Defense of Others Claims

In defending clients facing criminal charges in Pennsylvania, criminal lawyers often depend on self-defense claims to argue that the accused acted in justifiable response to imminent harm. Self-defense is a fundamental right that allows individuals to protect themselves from harm when faced with a threat. Under Pennsylvania law, individuals have the right to use force, including deadly force, to defend themselves or others if they believe it is necessary to prevent imminent harm.

To successfully assert a self-defense claim, as criminal defense lawyers, must demonstrate that our client reasonably believed that they were in danger of suffering bodily harm or death. It is crucial to show that the level of force used in self-defense was proportionate to the threat faced. Additionally, we need to prove that our client did not instigate the confrontation and made a genuine effort to retreat or avoid the situation if possible.

Similar to self-defense, ‘defense of others’ is used when the defendant acts to protect another person from harm. To establish this defense, it must be shown that the defendant reasonably believed the person they were defending was in imminent danger and that the force used was both necessary and reasonable.

When presenting a self-defense argument in court, Attorney DiCindio at DiCindio Law relies on evidence, including witness testimonies, expert opinions, and physical evidence, to support his client’s claim. As a trusted a Chester County criminal lawyer, we are dedicated to building a strong case and effectively articulating the circumstances that led to the use of self-defense. Our goal is to work tirelessly to secure a favorable outcome for our clients facing criminal charges in Pennsylvania.

Insanity Defense

Moving from self-defense claims, another legal defense strategy frequently utilized by criminal defense lawyers in Pennsylvania is the insanity defense. The insanity defense asserts that the defendant should not be held criminally responsible for their actions due to a mental illness or defect. In Pennsylvania, to successfully plead insanity, the defendant must prove that at the time of the crime, they either did not understand the nature and consequences of their actions or did not know right from wrong.

To utilize the insanity defense effectively, the defendant must provide substantial evidence of their mental state at the time of the offense. This evidence often includes testimony from mental health professionals, medical records, and evaluations demonstrating the presence of a severe mental disorder. If successful, the defendant may be acquitted or have their charges reduced, and instead, they could be committed to a mental health institution for treatment.

Criminal defense lawyers need to approach the insanity defense with care and adeptness. DiCindio Law excels in crafting compelling arguments and presenting sound evidence to convincingly demonstrate the defendant’s mental incapacity at the time of the crime. While the insanity defense is not commonly used, our skilled attorney is adept at leveraging this powerful legal strategy when mental illness plays a significant role in the offense. 

Entrapment Defense

Criminal defense attorneys use the entrapment defense as a strategic approach in their cases. Entrapment happens when law enforcement encourages or coerces someone into committing a crime they wouldn’t have committed on their own. In Pennsylvania, like in many other states, claiming entrapment can be a legitimate defense that might lead to the dismissal of charges.

To successfully argue entrapment, criminal lawyers must demonstrate two key elements. In the first place, we need to show that law enforcement officers or government agents provided an individual with the opportunity to commit the crime. This could involve coercion, harassment, fraud, threats, or flattery to entice the individual into committing the offense. Additionally, we must establish that the individual was not predisposed to commit the crime. This means proving that the person would not have engaged in criminal behavior if not for the actions of law enforcement.

Entrapment defenses can be complicated to navigate, requiring a thorough understanding of case law and legal precedent. Our goal is to build a strong argument that highlights the coercive or manipulative tactics used by law enforcement to trap the individual. By carefully examining the circumstances surrounding the alleged crime, our Chester County criminal lawyer at DiCindio Law aims to show that our client was unfairly targeted and induced into committing an offense they would not have otherwise pursued.

Suppression of Evidence

In criminal cases, legal teams often employ tactics to challenge the admissibility of evidence with the goal of suppressing incriminating information. One common method is filing a motion to suppress evidence obtained through illegal searches and seizures. The Fourth Amendment protects individuals from unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement. If it can be proven that the evidence was unlawfully obtained without a warrant or probable cause, a request can be made to the court to exclude it from the trial.

Another approach criminal defense lawyers take is challenging the chain of custody of the evidence. Ensuring the integrity of evidence is vital in criminal cases. Any break in the chain of custody can raise doubts about the reliability of the evidence presented against our client. By questioning how the evidence was handled, stored, and transferred from one person to another, we aim to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors.

Moreover, criminal lawyers may also challenge the credibility of the witnesses who testify against our client. Witness testimony is an essential aspect of many criminal cases. If we can establish inconsistencies or biases in their statements, we can weaken the prosecution’s case. DiCindio Law meticulously investigates the background and motives of witnesses to uncover any discrepancies that may cast doubt on their reliability.

Witness Credibility Challenges

In challenging the prosecution’s case, DiCindio Law scrutinizes the credibility of witnesses testifying against our client to identify inconsistencies or biases that may undermine their reliability. Witness credibility challenges are an important aspect of our defense strategy, as the prosecution often relies heavily on witness testimony to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

One common approach our criminal defense lawyers take is to cross-examine the witnesses thoroughly, probing into their backgrounds, motives, and potential biases. By carefully analyzing their statements and demeanor on the stand, we aim to uncover any inconsistencies or discrepancies that could cast doubt on the accuracy of their testimony.

Additionally, our attorney may seek to impeach the credibility of witnesses by introducing prior inconsistent statements they have made or by presenting evidence of any ulterior motives they may have for testifying against our client. This can help create doubt in the minds of the judge or jury regarding the truthfulness of the witnesses’ accounts.

Furthermore, we may present our own witnesses or evidence to directly challenge and contradict the testimony of the prosecution’s witnesses, thereby undermining their credibility. By strategically questioning the reliability of the prosecution’s witnesses, we aim to weaken their case and build a robust defense for our client.

Duress Defense

When facing criminal charges in Pennsylvania, one defense strategy that criminal defense lawyers may employ is asserting the duress defense. This defense argues that the accused committed the crime because they were under an immediate threat of harm or death. In such situations, the individual may claim that they had no choice but to engage in criminal activity to protect themselves or others from harm.

To successfully establish a duress defense in Pennsylvania, the accused must demonstrate that there was a genuine and reasonable fear of harm, that this fear was imminent and impending, and that committing the crime was the only way to avoid this harm. It is necessary to prove that a reasonable person in a similar situation would have felt compelled to act in the same manner.

The burden of proof lies with the defendant to show that they were under duress at the time of the offense. Providing evidence such as threats, coercion, or intimidation from another party can strengthen the duress defense. However, it’s vital to remember that not all situations involving pressure or influence will qualify as duress under the law. Consulting with an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Pennsylvania, such as DiCindio Law, can help defendants understand the viability of using the duress defense in their case. It is not common, but it should be explored. 

Mistaken Identity

Mistaken identity can serve as a compelling defense strategy in criminal cases, particularly when the accused can demonstrate a significant difference between their physical appearance and the description provided by witnesses or victims. In Pennsylvania, this defense hinges on highlighting inconsistencies in the identification process. Eyewitness testimony, though powerful, is not infallible. Factors such as stress during the incident, poor lighting, or a brief interaction can all contribute to misidentifications.

To bolster a mistaken identity defense, Attorney DiCindio meticulously examines the circumstances surrounding the identification. He scrutinizes the procedures used in police lineups or photo arrays, looking for any suggestive techniques that may have influenced the witness’s choice. Additionally, he explores the relationship, if any, between the witness and the accused, as personal biases can cloud judgment.

In cases where surveillance footage is available, DiCindio Law may collaborate with professionals to meticulously analyze the quality and angles of the video to challenge the accuracy of identification. As a dedicated criminal defense attorney, he strives to present a complete picture of the events to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors regarding our client’s involvement in the alleged crime. When executed effectively, the mistaken identity defense can be a powerful strategy, highlighting the fallibility of human memory and perception within the criminal justice system.

Mistake of Fact

At DiCindio Law, our criminal defense attorney uses the mistake of fact defense to challenge cases where a misunderstanding or lack of knowledge about a crucial fact undermines criminal intent. This defense hinges on the idea that the defendant’s actions were based on an incorrect belief about a particular fact, which negates the necessary intent to commit the crime.

For instance, if an individual takes property under the honest belief that it belongs to them, this misunderstanding about ownership eliminates the intent to steal, a critical component of theft. By demonstrating that the defendant acted under a genuine and reasonable mistake, we can argue that their actions were not driven by criminal intent.

A mistake of fact defense can be a powerful tool in criminal defense, highlighting that the defendant did not have the malicious intent required for a conviction. At DiCindio Law, we are knowledgeable in unraveling the complexities of each case and ensuring that any factual misunderstandings are effectively addressed in court. This approach underscores our commitment to providing thorough and effective representation for our clients.

Statute of Limitations

Furthermore, utilizing our knowledge of Pennsylvania law, DiCindio Law strategizes to leverage the statute of limitations as an important defense tool for our clients facing criminal charges. The statute of limitations sets a time limit within which legal proceedings must be initiated. In Pennsylvania, the statute of limitations varies depending on the severity of the crime. For instance, misdemeanors generally have a two-year statute of limitations. At the same time, felonies can range from five to 12 years, and more severe crimes like homicide have no statute of limitations.

When defending our clients, we meticulously examine the timeline of events to make sure that the prosecution has filed charges within the specified statute of limitations. If the prosecution fails to meet this requirement, we can motion to have the case dismissed. However, certain circumstances, such as fleeing the jurisdiction or going into hiding, can toll or pause the statute of limitations.

It is important to act swiftly in cases where the statute of limitations may be a viable defense. By promptly investigating the timeline of events and scrutinizing the charges brought forth, we can effectively use the statute of limitations to protect our clients from unfair prosecution. Our proactive approach and in-depth understanding of Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations as a Chester County criminal lawyer empowers DiCindio Law to craft strong defense strategies that uphold the rights of those accused of crimes.

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Constitutional Violations

At DiCindio Law, we understand that constitutional violations can dramatically affect the outcome of a criminal case. These violations often lead to the exclusion of crucial evidence or even the dismissal of charges. For instance, an unlawful search and seizure—violating the Fourth Amendment—occurs when law enforcement conducts a search or seizure without a valid warrant or probable cause. This breach can render any evidence obtained during such actions inadmissible in court.

Another key area of concern is the failure to provide Miranda warnings, which falls under the Fifth Amendment. These warnings are essential as they inform the defendant of their rights to remain silent and to have legal counsel present during questioning. If law enforcement neglects to provide these warnings, any statements made by the defendant may be excluded from evidence, significantly weakening the prosecution’s case.

Additionally, the Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to competent legal representation. If a defendant is denied access to an attorney or receives inadequate representation, it constitutes a serious constitutional violation. At DiCindio Law, we are dedicated to identifying and addressing these violations, using them to challenge the prosecution’s case and seek the best possible outcome for our clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Criminal Defense Lawyer Guarantee My Acquittal?

At DiCindio Law, while we can’t guarantee an acquittal, we are committed to building the strongest case possible for each of our clients. We meticulously analyze evidence, challenge witness testimonies, and explore every viable legal defense to ensure effective representation. Our focus is on protecting your rights and advocating fiercely on your behalf in court.

Our goal is to strive for the best possible outcome by leveraging our experience and resources. We understand the complexities of the legal system and work tirelessly to navigate them with precision. Although we cannot promise specific results, we are unwavering in our dedication to fighting for your rights and delivering the highest quality defense. With DiCindio Law, you have a committed defense attorney working diligently to achieve the most favorable resolution for your case.

How Long Does a Typical Criminal Defense Case Last?

DiCindio Law understands that the timeline for a criminal defense case can vary widely, ranging from several months to over a year, depending on factors such as the complexity of the case, evidence availability, and court schedules. As your dedicated criminal defense lawyer, we are committed to moving your case forward as efficiently as possible while exploring all legal avenues to build a strong defense.

We diligently manage each aspect of your case, keeping you informed and supported throughout the entire process. We recognize the stress and uncertainty that can accompany legal proceedings, and your peace of mind is our top priority. By providing regular updates and complete support, we aim to ensure that you feel confident and well-represented every step of the way.

What Are the Qualifications of a Good Criminal Defense Lawyer?

DiCindio Law has extensive experience in criminal defense law, exceptional communication skills, and a proven track record of courtroom success. Our attorney is knowledgeable, compassionate, and dedicated to vigorously defending your rights.

Our criminal defense lawyer excels in strategizing effectively, negotiating skillfully, and understanding the intricacies of the legal system. He is committed to providing the best possible defense for his clients, ensuring that each case is handled with the utmost care and adeptness. We strive to offer complete and personalized legal representation, guiding you through every step of the legal process with unwavering dedication.

Is It Possible to Switch Defense Lawyers Mid-Case?

Yes, it is possible to switch defense lawyers mid-case. We understand that defendants may decide to change their legal representation for various reasons, such as concerns about communication, disagreements on strategy, or a lack of confidence in their current lawyer. If you find yourself in this situation, it is crucial to carefully consider the implications and timing of the transition to ensure a smooth change and protect your legal interests.

DiCindio Law’s criminal defense lawyer is committed to providing exceptional support and representation. We diligently work to understand the specifics of your case and provide you with a strong, strategic defense. We aim to offer a seamless transition, ensuring that your case remains on track and your rights are vigorously defended throughout the legal process.

Can a Criminal Defense Lawyer Help With the Expungement of Records?

Yes, a criminal defense lawyer at DiCindio Law can assist with the expungement of records. We have extensive experience helping clients navigate the complex legal process to clear their records of past offenses. We diligently work to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients. With our adeptness, we will guide you through every stage of the expungement process, from gathering required documentation to presenting your case effectively. Our goal is to help you move forward with a clean record and a fresh start.


Chester County criminal lawyer at DiCindio Law employs a range of legal defenses to protect their clients’ rights and challenge the prosecution’s case effectively. By strategically using defenses such as lack of probable cause, alibi defense, and self-defense claims, we aim to achieve the best possible outcomes for individuals facing criminal charges. Our objective is to ensure that justice is served and that our clients are given a fair opportunity to defend themselves in court. At DiCindio Law, our commitment is to safeguard your rights and advocate passionately on your behalf throughout the legal process.

For those seeking experienced criminal lawyers in Chester County, DiCindio Law offers thorough legal representation and strategic defense planning. Contact DiCindio Law, LLC, today at (610) 991-7860 to schedule a free consultation and learn how our attorneys can protect your rights and pursue the best possible outcome for your case.